

Try CAWing for Success in Life

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It works for the crow, why not you? CAW is a simple philosophy I discovered in my 30’s while in the muck of despair and depression. I was living in a small town where I had gone to start a career as a newspaper reporter and rebuild myself as a person.

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A Debt That Can’t Be Paid

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The van lurched and went silent just after rumbling across the metal surface of a bridge connecting my island home to the big city, and I cursed myself. “Fool! Why didn’t you fix the fuel gauge?” Out of gas, the van coasted to a stop in the middle of a

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Looking For Gratitude

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Thanksgiving is only five days away, but it seems like forever; a too-distant, too-short timeout from grievances that have fractured our families, our communities, our nation – and can’t be vaccinated away but might be eased with doses of gratitude. Over the next few days, I’ll be looking for some

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Last Voyage of No Name

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(Part Two) As The Boat With No Name sailed away from us forever in July 2018, Laura and I watched, sadly, and then with alarm as it entered the “slot” of fierce wind sucked off the ocean into San Francisco Bay through a constricted throat called The Gate. “Surely Jon

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Last Voyage of No Name

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(Part One) It doesn’t matter why The Boat With No Name foundered in the surf off Newport Beach three weeks ago and broke in two like my heart when I saw the video. It matters that it lived, conjuring dreams within every sailor who stepped aboard her with a far

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